Our Favourite Chinoiserie designs

'Sans Soucis' in Special Colourway on custom grey dyed silk with hand embroidery. Photography by Douglas Friedman

'Sans Soucis' in Special Colourway on custom grey dyed silk with hand embroidery

'Badminton' in standard design colours on 12 Carat White Gold gilded silk

'Earlham' in standard design colours on Emerald Green dyed silk

'Coco Coromandel' in standard design colours on Burnt Umber Edo painted Xuan paper. Photography by Douglas Friedman

'Jardinières & Citrus Trees' in standard design colours on custom blue green Williamsburg. Photography by Simon Upton

'Houghton' in Rose colourway on Edo custom painted Xuan paper. Photography by Simon Brown

A de Gournay artist hand painted 'Houghton' in Rose colourway on Edo custom painted Xuan paper

'Erdem' in Special Colourway on Adam Grey dyed silk

'Erdem' in Special Colourway on Golden Yellow dyed silk

A de Gournay artist hand painted 'Erdem' in Special Colourway on Adam Grey dyed silk

'Sans Soucis' in full custom design colours on custom white Williamsburg. Interior design by Suzanne Kasler. Photography by Douglas Friedman

'Badminton' in standard design colours on Sterling Silver gilded paper with rose antiquing. Photography by Johan Sellen

'Badminton' in standard design colours on Sterling Silver gilded paper with rose antiquing. Photography by Johan Sellen

'Amazonia' in standard design colours on custom pink dyed silk with hand embroidery

'Amazonia' in standard design colours on Edo Chalk Pink painted xuan paper. Photography by Mariam Medvedeva

'Amazonia' in full custom monochromatic design colours on Florence Pink dyed silk. Interior design by Suzanne Kasler

'Temple Newsam' in Special Colourway on Moss Green Williamsburg. Photography by Simon Brown

'Temple Newsam' in Special Colourway on Moss Green Williamsburg. Interior design by Christopher Maya. Photography by Thomas Loof

'Earlham' in full custom monochromatic design colours on custom blue Williamsburg. Interior design by Michael Smith

'Portobello' in standard design colours on blue grey dyed silk. Interior design by Ulrich Tredup. Photography by Andreas von Einsiedel

‘Salon Vert’ in full custom monochromatic design colours on custom silver gilded silk with hand embroidery

‘Salon Vert’ in full custom monochromatic design colours on custom silver gilded silk with hand embroidery

'St Laurent' in standard design colours on Edo Turquoise painted Xuan paper. Photography by Johan Sellen

'St Laurent' in standard design colours on Edo Turquoise India tea paper. Interior design by Martyn Lawrence Bullard. Photography by James McDonald

'Askew' in standard design colours on Apple Green Williamsburg. Interior design by Alison Henry Ltd.

'Earlham' in full custom design colours on custom blue Williamsburg. Interior design by Christopher Maya. Photography by Lucas Allen

'Chatsworth' in Special Colourway on Mercury Grey Williamsburg. Interior design by Collins and Sweezey. Photography by Stephen Karlisch